Our approach to corporate governance is based on a set of values and behaviours that underpin day-to-day activities providing transparency, fair dealing that seeks to protect stakeholder interests.
To ensure honesty, respect and integrity in all our activities, we use a framework of policies and programs.
Responsibly managing our governance includes:
- Transparent disclosure
- Business conduct and ethics
- Financial and business management
- Compliance
- Sustainable shareholder returns
- Risk management
Board of Governance
Auswide Bank’s Board and senior executive are committed to managing our business ethically and maintaining high standards of corporate governance.
Board of Directors
The Board Charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Board. The role of the Board is to provide strategic guidance for Auswide Bank Ltd and effective oversight of management.
Board of Composition
The size of the Board is subject to the provisions of Auswide Bank’s Board Charter. There is an election of Directors at each annual general meeting. Directors’ re-election is on a rotation basis at least once every three years.
Regulatory Compliance
Auswide Bank is an authorised deposit-taking institution supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) under the Banking Act 1959. Auswide Bank is also supervised by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission under the Corporations Act 2001 and has been granted Australian financial services and credit licenses. Auswide Bank is committed to meeting all regulatory requirements.
Risk Management
Auswide Bank is committed to implementing appropriate strategies to identify, analyse and manage the risks associated with its activities. Auswide Bank has adopted an integrated approach to risk management which meets the international standard IS031000 Risk Management. Auswide Bank has appointed a Chief Risk Officer and is compliant with APRA Prudential Standards CPS 220 (Risk Management) and APS 310 Audit & Related Matters.
Code of Conduct
The way we behave, both at work and outside, is a key driver of our success and directly affects the perceptions people have about Auswide Bank. We have adopted a Code of Conduct that sets out the expectations for how our staff act, solve problems and make decisions, making it clear that we take behavioural expectations seriously and that we’re prepared to act if people breach the Code.
Whistleblower Protection
As part of our commitment to being a conscientious corporate citizen, Auswide Bank encourages staff to report any activity that is illegal, improper or unfair at work without fear of retribution. Our approach is detailed in our Whistleblower Policy, which promotes a culture of conducting our business with honesty, fairness and integrity.
Board Performance Assessment
In accordance with the Prudential Standard CPS 520 Fit and Proper, the organisation’s Fit and Proper Policy requires all new appointments to meet the fitness and propriety test prior to appointment and undergo re-assessment on an annual basis. A performance evaluation of the Board and individual director’s contribution is undertaken annually.
Conflicts of Interest
The Board regularly assesses the independence of each director in the light of interests disclosed. The Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all senior executives, employees, officers and agents of Auswide Bank and requires that material interests that could potentially conflict with the interest are declared.
Board Committees
The Board operates in conjunction with the following committees:
- Board Risk Committee
- Board Audit Committee
- Board Remuneration Committee
- Board Credit Committee